
Jumat, 15 April 2011

Online news update

Below are some of the best online news updates:
  • One of the most updated online news in Indonesia is www.detik.com because in addition to the most updated news also looks interesting,  even when I'm staying up until midnight detik.com still updates besides the many visitors who spread the word and copy the link from detik.com -detik.com also provides some news crate: detikNews, detikFinance, detikhot, detiki-Net, detikSport, detikOto, detikFood, detikHealth, detikFoto and detikTV .
    .: Sepakbola | Surabaya | Bandung | Blog | Forum | Wolipop | Kolom Kita | Travel | Aku Cinta Indonesia | Buku Kuning | Lokal Portal. 
    besides that we also can follow www.blogdetik.com because there are some celebrities who frequent updates blogdetik Indonesia. "Very interesting"
  • The third is also highly Update www.okezone.com Okezone because working with one of the RCTI private television and newspapers also one that is SEPUTAR INDONESIA. Okezone.com also provides news: News, International, Economi, Lifestyle, Celebrity, Music, Sport, Bola, Techno, Auto, Kampus, Travel and Index.
  • A fourth is www.vivanews.com VIVAnews cooperation with two private television is TV One and ANTEVE. not inferior to the others VIVAnews also provides some interesting links such as: Politik, Bisnis, Nasional, Metro, Dunia, Sains, Tek, Sport, Bola, Otomotif, Showbiz, Kosmo, Sorot, Analisis, Makan, Fokus, and Forum

So the news in Indonesia Latest Updates Online Version Silvi Pipih Susanti

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